What is Family SHADE?
Connecting Children with Special Healthcare Needs with Community Resources.
Family SHADE, the Family Support and Healthcare Alliance Delaware: A community dedicated to supporting families of children with disabilities and chronic medical conditions.
Upcoming Events
- Self-Management
- Self-Awareness
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Skills
- Responsible Decision Making
Hosted By: Delaware Family Voices at 11AM EST
Dates: October 8th, and November 12th.
A forum where parents/caregivers have the opportunity to ask questions and/or discuss issues they are having with their Medicaid MCO (Highmark Health Options or AmeriHealth Caritas). During the call MCO’s and Medicaid representatives, along with other partner organizations can help problem solve with you.
MCO call offered in English and Spanish language.
For more information or to get registered head to our Events and Activities page!
Explore this extensive, searchable database of Delaware resources for CYSHCN and their families.