Family SHADE

Enable. Empower. Enrich.

Enable. Empower. Enrich.

Family Support

For many families finding support in the community can help with the emotions and challenges that come with a child’s diagnosis. You are not alone in your experience and there are people willing and able to help you. They may help by informing you about services or providing emotional support and advice because they have gone through this process before. Look in Family Support for general information and assistance as well as condition specific organizations.

New to Delaware?

Moving to a new state can be overwhelming. There are many resources available to assist you and your family during this transition. A great start is to contact Delaware Family Voices and Parent Information Center.

Delaware Family Voices

Parent Information Center

Transition Information

This section will help you identify the first steps in finding the supports that you and your family may need. For more information call Family SHADE at (888) 547-4412.