Family SHADE

Enable. Empower. Enrich.

Enable. Empower. Enrich.

Special Education Eligibility & Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

A student with a disability in Delaware may be eligible for specialized services or educational supports to ensure they have access to, participate in and make meaningful progress in the general education curriculum.

For a student to be eligible for these services and supports, the IEP team must first determine if the student has a disability that qualifies for educational services under state and federal law.

If your child is eligible to receive special education and related services, it is required that he/she have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP will address your child’s unique abilities and needs and describe how he/she will access the general curriculum. The IEP should describe how your child learns, how your child best demonstrates what he or she is learning and what teachers and service providers will do to help your child learn more effectively. As a parent, you are a very important part of your child’s IEP team. You, your child’s teachers and other school personnel will develop an IEP for your child that will be reviewed at least once a year. Some children may not qualify for special education services and an IEP but may still need accommodations at school. Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that the school be responsible for providing specific modifications or accommodations.

Conflict Resolution Program
special education mediation

Delaware Department of Education – Special Education Eligibility
special education eligibility information

Educational Surrogate Parent Program
representation in the educational process for children with disabilities who are in foster care

Parent Information Center (PIC)
information, consultation and workshops about special education

Understanding Educational Eligibility & Medical Diagnosis of Autism
information about educational eligibility and medical diagnosis of autism